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Are You a Candidate for a Smile Makeover?

Are You a Candidate for a Smile Makeover?

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? Will the improvements you desire need multiple dentistry treatments to achieve the results you are seeking? You may be an ideal candidate for a smile makeover. A smile makeover is a process in which a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments are combined to perfect your smile. Usually, a smile makeover will include options like teeth whitening, dental bonding, porcelain veneers, invisible braces, composite fillings or gum contouring.

Broadly, anyone who has problems with their teeth is a candidate for a smile makeover. However, the best candidate for a smile makeover will be in good general and oral health. You should be free from gum disease and any other ailments or health problems that would preclude undergoing cosmetic dentistry procedures. An ideal candidate will also have grown in all permanent teeth and completed their jaw growth, making a smile makeover inappropriate for young children.

You may be an ideal candidate for a smile makeover if your smile is marred by a number of imperfections including:

  • Discolored or stained teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Crooked, twisted, or incorrectly placed teeth
  • Decayed teeth
  • Gapped or widely-spaced teeth
  • Gummy smile
  • Unhealthy gums
  • Bite conditions such as overbite or underbite

The appearance and health of your smile are vital to your self-confidence and overall happiness. Smile makeovers are safe and effective for most candidates, with little to no side effects. To determine if a smile makeover is right for you, contact an experienced, qualified cosmetic dentist for a one-on-one consultation.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Options at Your Family Dentist

Cosmetic Dentistry Options at Your Family Dentist

Due to the increased interest in cosmetic dentistry, many family dentists are becoming trained to offer more extensive procedures and treatments geared to improve the appearance of your smile. Many of these treatments are quick and painless, and can offer almost instant results. Some of the cosmetic dentistry options offered by your family dentist may include:

  • Professional teeth whitening to improve the color and brightness of dark, dingy, or discolored teeth
  • Placement of dental veneers to improve the look of gapped, stained, or crooked teeth
  • Replacement of old or unattractive metal fillings with more natural, tooth-colored materials
  • Placement of crowns and bridges to repair and replace missing or severely damaged teeth
  • Correction of small spaces or gaps between teeth by bonding with tooth-colored composite resin
  • Insertion of dental implants to replace missing teeth
  • Straightening of teeth and correction of bite problems with braces or Invisalign

Because your family dentist is already aware of your family’s dental history, it will be simple to recommend treatment plans. With this knowledge, your dentist can also quickly and expertly assess if you or other members of your family are suitable candidates for the procedures you are seeking. Your family dentist can perform all the same services as both a pediatric dentist and a general dentist, and will be able to address the cosmetic dental concerns of every member of your family. Family dentists can provide advice as to which procedures are age appropriate and give guidelines for when treatment is recommended.

If anyone in your family is not pleased with the appearance of their teeth, consult first with your family dentist to find out what cosmetic dental procedures and treatments are offered to improve the quality of their smile.

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Enamel Bonding and Recontouring

Enamel Bonding and Recontouring

Enamel bonding and recontouring is an easy way to hide small imperfections in your teeth, or to lengthen or change the overall shape. Treatment can often be completed in one visit to your dentist in Meriden and it’s extremely affordable. Even small changes can make quite a difference to your appearance. Enamel bonding and recontouring can both be carried out as separate treatments but they are often combined to give the best results.

Enamel recontouring can deal with issues such as slightly overlapping teeth or teeth that are just a bit out of alignment. Enamel bonding uses tooth colored composite resin materials to hide small imperfections. Your general dentist in Meriden can determine if one or both treatments are required. Before either of these procedures is carried out, your dentist will need to take dental x-rays and to examine your mouth, making sure your teeth and gums are healthy.

Enamel recontouring involves removing tiny amounts of tooth enamel to adjust the overall shape, position or length of your teeth. The amount removed is minimal and the effects can be subtle but noticeable. Afterwards the enamel is smoothed and polished to give a natural sheen.

The process for enamel bonding is equally straightforward. First your dentist in Meriden will apply an acidic liquid to your teeth which has the effect of slightly roughening the tooth surfaces and increasing the bond between the composite resin and your tooth. Next, your dentist will carefully apply the composite resin to the tooth, hardening the material using a special light. Finally, the composite resin will be shaped and polished to complete the process.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Not Just for Women

Cosmetic Dentistry Not Just for Women

Often, advertising for cosmetic dentistry focuses on women. Photos in magazines and on Web sites show attractive females with gorgeous smiles. Although these campaigns often target women, men can benefit from cosmetic dentistry too.

Professionally and personally, men have just as many reasons as women do to look their best. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Having a vibrant, white smile can create a perception of self-assurance, intelligence, and warmth. Men who have cosmetic dental enhancements can enjoy the benefits of looking younger and feeling more confident.

Though you can opt for a total smile makeover, you don’t have to change everything to update your appearance. For a minimal investment, teeth whitening can make you look years younger. If you want to straighten teeth, talk with your dentist about Invisalign clear braces. Porcelain veneers can cover imperfections on front teeth and reveal a gorgeous, new image.

Not only can rejuvenating your smile boost your confidence, but it can also improve your oral health. Crooked teeth are actually harder to clean, which can lead to gum disease or decay. As well, small cavities can lead to the need for crowns or root canals if left untreated.

To enhance your smile, first find a cosmetic dentist you can trust. Talk with friends, relatives, and colleagues to get recommendations. Once you find the right person, schedule a consultation so that you can meet with the doctor and share your ideas. Why wait any longer to enjoy a sensational smile?

If you need a dentist in Meriden contact us today

Enjoy the Advantages of a Smile Makeover

Enjoy the Advantages of a Smile Makeover

Do you find yourself fading into the background at social events? Are you overlooked at meetings or in groups of people? Have you noticed that you don’t smile in photos? Are you uncomfortable eating, drinking or speaking because your teeth aren’t their best? Do you look at the beautiful smiles of those around you and wish you could have a similar smile?

When we meet someone for the first time, our smiles are often the first thing anyone notices. If your smile is less than its best, if it’s stained or unsightly, you could be making a bad first impression. These first impressions, whether valid or not, stick with people. A hesitant smile can signal low self-confidence or unhappiness. You could be projecting ill health or a lack of prosperity. Do you look friendly to others, or off-putting?

When you are confident about your smile, you can feel free to smile openly at others or for the camera. You can be more at ease about speaking up in public or at meetings at work. Don’t be stressed about that upcoming presentation or oral report. If you talk to your dentist today, you can begin enjoying the advantages a beautiful and bright smile can bring, beginning with your own self-confidence.

Talking to a cosmetic dentist can begin a path toward a short goal such as teeth whitening, or it can lead you to an orthodontist for alignment issues and orthodontia. Flaws such as cracks, chips or malformation can be easily corrected using resin composite materials. Larger problems such as tooth gaps or missing teeth can be corrected using dental implants or dental bridges. You might be suited for porcelain dental veneers for your therapy, or you may need a crown or two.

Your cosmetic dentist can help you plan for your dream smile. Your treatment might take one or two visits, or it might be ongoing, but beginning this smile makeover journey will never be something you regret. Begin enjoying the advantages a bright smile can bring you, both socially and professionally.

We treat patients from Meriden and the surrounding area

What is a Smile Makeover?

What is a Smile Makeover?

A gorgeous smile can give you confidence and open doors in your personal or professional life. A study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found that people with bright, white smiles were viewed as more attractive, intelligent, and successful. If you don’t love the reflection you see in the mirror, a custom smile makeover can transform your smile.

For a smile makeover, your dentist will work with you to develop a detailed plan for your updates. Often, patients look at examples of the dentist’s work or they bring photos of smiles they admire with them to the consultation.

Depending on the status of your mouth and what you want to accomplish with a smile makeover, your dentist may recommend:

•    Porcelain Veneers
Crafted from thin shells of porcelain, dental veneers cover imperfections such as gaps, chips, or stains. Traditional veneers are designed to complement your facial features and will produce a stunning, new image. Minimal-prep veneers, such as Lumineers, are ultra-thin porcelain shells that work for certain smiles.

•    Teeth Whitening
If age, foods, beverages, or lifestyle choices have caused your smile to lose its luster, professional teeth whitening can restore brilliance. In-office chair side Zoom! whitening or an at-home whitening kit provided by your dentist can erase discolorations and brighten teeth up to 10 shades.

•    Invisalign Clear Aligners
Not only will straight teeth boost your self-esteem, but they will also improve dental health. Brushing and flossing are easier when your teeth are in the correct position.

•    Dental Implants
If you are missing teeth, you won’t look your best, and you may compromise your oral health. Dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth that will give you a sensational, complete smile.

We look forward to seeing you in our Meriden dental office